Aunt Joy always gives 10% of every purchase to a pool of charities that support women and children. Have a look at the charities we are donating to at the moment, and why we love them.

UN Women
UN Women is the global champion for gender equality, working to develop and uphold standards and create an environment in which every woman and girl can exercise her human rights and live up to her full potential. They are trusted partners for advocates and decision-makers from all walks of life, and a leader in the effort to achieve gender equality.
Registered charity number: 1162741

War Child
War Child protect, educate and stand up for the rights of children living through conflict. They go to the hardest to reach places to support those who are hardest hit.
Registered charity number: 1071659

Sistah Space
Sistah Space is a domestic abuse organisation for African heritage women. It provides help and support with understanding and respect for the history, culture, and specific needs of African and Caribbean survivors of domestic abuse, as well as running the Sistah Space Sanctuary in Hackney.
Registered charity No. 1179934

Bloody Good Period
Everyone deserves access to basic care and hygiene products, regardless of their living situation. Asylum seekers receive just £40.85 a week to live on, and period products can cost up to a quarter of that. Bloody Good Period supplies homeless women. Refugees, and those who can’t afford them with period products, as well as granting menstrual education for those less likely to access it.
Registered charity No. 1185849

Refuge offers spaces, support and community outreach projects to women, children and some men escaping domestic violence and other forms of violence. As well as refuges and child support workers, refuge also produces research into the effects of domestic violence and the issues surrounding service provision, which informs their work.
Registered charity No. 277424
Charities we love and have donated to in the past:

Women's Aid
Women’s Aid is a national, survivor-centred charity that works to end domestic abuse against women and girls. Women’s Aid works with other charities to give survivors the best supports possible, determined by their situation. Aunt Joy especially loves their work with Galop (Registered Charity No. 1077384), a national anti-violence helpline for members of the LGBT community facing violence and abuse.
Registered Charity No. 1054154

Young Women’s Trust
Young Women’s Trust is a feminist organisation working to achieve economic justice for young women. They support women under 30 in the UK who are struggling with unemployment or low-income work and are focused on battling poverty and giving women the tools to succeed. They work closely with women to improve their CVs, cover letters and applications, as well as providing life coaching and support.
Registered charity No. 217868

The Society for Women Artists
The Society for Women Artists is a British art body and charity dedicated to promoting art created by women. They hold an annual exhibition in London and give women the chance to show and sell their work, as well as providing exhibition spaces and opportunities for women.
Registered charity No. 298241

Mothers for Mothers
Mothers for Mothers is a charity that support mothers suffering from depression, anxiety, or isolation during pregnancy or post birth. It offers art psychotherapy and counselling, home visits and other forms of 1-to-1 support.
Registered charity No. 1185281

Womankind is an organisation that supports and strengthens other women-centred charities. With 1 in 3 women worldwide experiencing violence, less than 15% of landholders in the world being women and only around 24% of parliamentarians worldwide being women, we love the broad and practical approach womankind takes to bridging the worldwide gender gap in politics, economics, and rights.
Registered Charity No. 328206