• Pippa Davismoon

    Pippa Davismoon is an artist based in London and Hastings, known for
    expressionist portrayals of women in clay, print and paint. Her fascination with communication is facilitated by her diplomas in adult literacy and primary education. She gained a distinction in glass at Central St Martins London, having originally graduated in Liverpool with a BA in Architecture.

    Pippa’s determination for her art to bolster emotional strength and joy in life, with all its possibilities, fuels the work which is sustained by her constant sketching – always carrying a small sketchbook. She is fascinated by courage and tenacity wishing to honour and promote emotional journeys that facilitate the sustainably good life.
    She works in various mediums: ceramics, warm glass, print, particularly using monoprint and stencils, and in paint. Having just completed a year at The Essential School of Painting, she is excited to be combining layers of thin acrylic underpainting with bold oil paint marks to create images of women on the move. A future series of paintings will be informed from the images that fill her sketch books from over 30 years of observation.